What is Energy Healing?


Energy Healing – also referred to as energy work and energy medicine – is one of the oldest forms of healing. Energy healing acknowledges and works with the more subtle aspects of our nature -our energy field. This field has been called by many names, including aura, electro-magnetic field, energy field, subtle energy, vital energy, life force, chi, qi, ki, and prana and includes the chakras; as well as the meridians, which are similar to thin rivers of light that flow throughout the body and carry vibrational information to the tissues. This energy field has been scientifically verified with instruments and specialized photography (Kirlian and aura).


Energy healing promotes health – a return to wholeness – by enhancing the flow of energy and correcting disturbances in the energy field of living organisms. Energy healing practices are supportive and integrative systems, which seek to transform imbalances by restoring balance and the flow of energy. Humans, animals and plants are pulsing with this life force. And anything that is pulsating with life force can be transformed.


Energy Medicine can address physical illness and emotional or mental disorders, and can also promote high-level wellness and peak performance.

What is Energy Healing?


Energy Healing – also referred to as energy work and energy medicine – is one of the oldest forms of healing. Energy healing acknowledges and works with the more subtle aspects of our nature -our energy field. This field has been called by many names, including aura, electro-magnetic field, energy field, subtle energy, vital energy, life force, chi, qi, ki, and prana and includes the chakras; as well as the meridians, which are similar to thin rivers of light that flow throughout the body and carry vibrational information to the tissues. This energy field has been scientifically verified with instruments and specialized photography (Kirlian and aura).


Energy healing promotes health – a return to wholeness – by enhancing the flow of energy and correcting disturbances in the energy field of living organisms. Energy healing practices are supportive and integrative systems, which seek to transform imbalances by restoring balance and the flow of energy. Humans, animals and plants are pulsing with this life force. And anything that is pulsating with life force can be transformed.


Energy Medicine can address physical illness and emotional or mental disorders, and can also promote high-level wellness and peak performance.

Whenever you feel happy and successful your energy field is intensely enhanced. If you situation becomes difficult, your energy field contracts, and will create the protective strategies that help you to handle the difficulty. However, in today’s fast paced life-style and toxin filled world, the systems within our bodies frequently become overwhelmed, effectively neutralizing our ability to self-heal.


Energy healing medicine is one of five domains of Complementary and Alternative Medicine (CAM) identified by the National Center for Complementary and Alternative Medicine (NCCAM) in the United States. Some CAM practices involve manipulation of various energy fields to affect health. Energy healing proposes that imbalances in the energy field result in illness, and that by re-balancing the energy field health can be restored.


Energy Healing sessions work with the energy of information fields and morphic fields (A morphic field is an energy-like field that defines the entire biology of all living beings), which helps to accelerate of the body’s innate ability to self-heal.


Albert Einstein is attributed with saying “We cannot solve problems by using the same kind of thinking we used when we created them.”. That is exactly what we are doing when we work with the energy field of the problem. Aligning your energy changes reality by gently shifting your position as if you were in a movie theatre seat, you shift your position so that the tall person in front of your is no longer in your line of sight. You suddenly have a new point of view, nothing is blocking you, which allows self-healing to begin.

Whenever you feel happy and successful your energy field is intensely enhanced. If you situation becomes difficult, your energy field contracts, and will create the protective strategies that help you to handle the difficulty. However, in today’s fast paced life-style and toxin filled world, the systems within our bodies frequently become overwhelmed, effectively neutralizing our ability to self-heal.


Energy healing medicine is one of five domains of Complementary and Alternative Medicine (CAM) identified by the National Center for Complementary and Alternative Medicine (NCCAM) in the United States. Some CAM practices involve manipulation of various energy fields to affect health. Energy healing proposes that imbalances in the energy field result in illness, and that by re-balancing the energy field health can be restored.


Energy Healing sessions work with the energy of information fields and morphic fields (A morphic field is an energy-like field that defines the entire biology of all living beings), which helps to accelerate of the body’s innate ability to self-heal.


Albert Einstein is attributed with saying “We cannot solve problems by using the same kind of thinking we used when we created them.”. That is exactly what we are doing when we work with the energy field of the problem. Aligning your energy changes reality by gently shifting your position as if you were in a movie theatre seat, you shift your position so that the tall person in front of your is no longer in your line of sight. You suddenly have a new point of view, nothing is blocking you, which allows self-healing to begin.

Sound Healing / Vibrational Healing

A practitioner who performs Sound Healing uses the vibrations produced by instruments to stimulate the body’s healing reaction. The vibrations create sound waves that move through the body when they are placed on specific points. Because the human body is made up of roughly 70% water, sound waves easily travel through it, like ripples in a pond. Physical blockages, such as stiff muscles, and mental blocks, such as blocked feelings, can be broken apart by these ripples.

tuning forks

All Sound Healing practitioners complete their sound medicine training through the Acutonics Certification Program to ensure their mastery of this method and the highest levels of training in the applied use of sound vibration to the body.

Using sound and vibration to re-harmonize and attune the human energy field, Acutonics is a non-invasive yet powerful, transformational healing system. It can help address a wide range of ailments from the physical such as gastrointestinal, gynecological, respiratory, musculoskeletal, and neurological to psycho-spiritual, emotional, and psychological distress.

Sound Healing / Vibrational Healing

A practitioner who performs Sound Healing uses the vibrations produced by instruments to stimulate the body’s healing reaction. The vibrations create sound waves that move through the body when they are placed on specific points. Because the human body is made up of roughly 70% water, sound waves easily travel through it, like ripples in a pond. Physical blockages, such as stiff muscles, and mental blocks, such as blocked feelings, can be broken apart by these ripples.

tuning forks

All Sound Healing practitioners complete their sound medicine training through the Acutonics Certification Program to ensure their mastery of this method and the highest levels of training in the applied use of sound vibration to the body.

Using sound and vibration to re-harmonize and attune the human energy field, Acutonics is a non-invasive yet powerful, transformational healing system. It can help address a wide range of ailments from the physical such as gastrointestinal, gynecological, respiratory, musculoskeletal, and neurological to psycho-spiritual, emotional, and psychological distress.